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  • MLS integration: Create postcards, flyers, and more from an MLS#.
  • Automated postcard campaigns: Effortless sphere marketing all year long.
  • Automated marketing packages: Pre-created listing material direct to your inbox.
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4 Things You Need To Win More Listings This Year

Written by Breakthrough Broker, Staff Writer

In a market like this, the pros are going to win.

I think it’s become clear that the current real estate market will be tougher for most agents to maintain the level of business they’ve grown accustomed to over the last few years… but savvy agents will adapt and find success leveraging the right tools and strategies.

That’s where we come in.

One of the best ways to stand out from the “typical agent” in a competitive landscape is to use professional-level tools like those offered by Breakthrough Broker. So, we’ve put together a quick list of 4 tools you can leverage to win more listings and show potential sellers how your marketing will present their home in the best possible light both online and off.

  • First off, you probably know that having a dialed-in listing presentation is one of the best ways to get off on the right foot by impressing a potential seller and winning their trust that you’re the best person for the job of selling their home.

  • Now let’s talk “mobile friendly” listing presentations. If you don’t have one, you need one. It’s time. If you do have one, great job! Make sure it’s up to date with your latest stats and info for the new year.

  • Next, using a Listing Showcase-- which is our sexy version of a single property website -- allows you to show your clients how buyers will have an interactive experience when touring or viewing their home online, helping them visualize living there before they ever walk through it in person.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking…

“I can’t build a website, and I don’t have time to try to learn.” Don’t worry;, we’ve got you covered. Creating a Listing Showcase is SUPER easy, and it can basically be created “automagically” if you’re a Breakthrough Broker Plus member.

Seriously. Just enter the MLS#, press enter, and BOOM, it’s basically ready for the spotlight. Here's a walk-through video.

  • In addition, Breakthrough Broker’s new Mailable Flyers are a great way to differentiate yourself from other agents who often just send out standard “just-listed” postcards when it comes time to market a property they have listed.
  • Now, don’t get me wrong… Sending out a “just-listed” postcard is great (we have those too) BUT these mailable flyers are like just-listed postcards on steroids with more room for pictures and information about the property than a standard postcard. They are an easy way to “bulk up” your marketing efforts in 2023. (see what I did there?)

  • Lastly, Breakthrough Broker's Community Reports help agents stay on top of local trends around their listings while providing potential buyers important data related to schools, nearby amenities, and more, in an easy-to-digest format for use at open houses or online via a downloadable PDF.
    All these tools offered by Breakthrough Broker can help true professionals (that’s YOU) stand out from the competition. If you’re willing to invest the time and effort it takes to create a professional- level marketing kit,… you should have no problem leveraging those tools to help navigate this year's challenging market conditions, regardless of where we are in terms of industry cycles or economic outlooks.

We at Breakthrough Broker, we hope to make it easier for you. Now, scroll back up to those links and get started customizing yours today!

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Being a Real Estate Professional is challenging. Finding the time and technology to stay top of mind and generate new business is a full-time job. Breakthrough Broker is here to help.

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Workbooks, checklists, playbooks, and workshops to support the growth and management of your business.
Easy-to-use marketing technology to create and customize professional marketing designs.
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