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Grow your brand and be unforgettable by adding your color, logo, and contact info to unlimited premium designs.
  • Single property sites published in minutes and built to convert.
  • Immediate download of hundreds of branded social posts.
  • Ready-to-mail postcards in just a few clicks.
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Complete your marketing in just a few clicks with advanced automated features, including:
  • MLS integration: Create postcards, flyers, and more from an MLS#.
  • Automated postcard campaigns: Effortless sphere marketing all year long.
  • Automated marketing packages: Pre-created listing material direct to your inbox.
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Invest your time and money in selling homes and growing your business, not in graphic design.
  • Easier to use than Canva and built for Realtors who want to sell.
  • 10% off print orders, paying you back for the cost of membership.
  • The ROI of the membership is 233% on a $25k commission check.
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Grand News Update

Newsletter Template
Here are three reasons why you need a newsletter; 1. It's self-promotion at its finest. 2. You look like the industry and local pro on all things real estate. 3. It provides value past the transaction, keeping you top of mind even when listing or buying isn't on the mind. The Alluvial Newsletter is your perfect newsletter template to get in front of homeowners when it matters, and with what matters to them.
Real estate newsletter

Before you get started

Welcome to The Alluvial News & Views Newsletter! Just a note, this can take up to 30 minutes to create so it's best to have all your content ready at the start. We suggest drafting your content in a Word or Google Document first so you don’t lose your work. You can edit inside the template, but note if you navigate away from the creation form without saving, your work will be lost.

Template overview

The Alluvial News & Views Newsletter has four content sections. The first section is the best for news stories like, “DIY Project Tips and Ideas.” To check out our Newsletter stories, click HERE.

This template is customizable, so you can upload a photo which is located at the top right, and change to header to whatever fits best. There are also options to include subheadings and options in which you can customize the color to match your brand.

The second section below the news stories is space to promote a listing. This is also customizable with space for a quote on the left, a photo, price, another photo of the property, and a place for a description.

The third section is best for another news story. Perhaps this is about the community, what’s new in town, local restaurants...etc. Here you can upload another photo which will be located on the left. You’ll notice there is an option to add a company logo which will be located at the bottom of this section underneath the photo.

The last section can about you, the team, or company. This is the perfect opportunity to add a short bio in addition to the property description. Perhaps there is something unique about the property - this should be included here. There is also a space to add a logo and an entire portion to the right where you can upload a headshot and contact details.

Writing your stories

The template is designed to fit all your copy within each section, regardless of how many words you type. Once a section is filled with text, the font size will scale down to fit more copy.

Remember, we have options for you! If you'd rather not write your own stories, you can copy and paste the text-only stories from Breakthrough Broker's current newsletters or copy and paste the text-only stories from our newsletter archive. You can also use one of our pre-formatted newsletter templates, rather than this fully customizable template.


You can upload up to five photos. The photo slots in this template have fixed proportions, so use the crop tool after uploading each photo to ensure that it displays properly. You'll be able to choose the size of the photo crop box, but the height and width will be set at a fixed ratio.

You can purchase photos for your newsletter from stock image sites, such as iStockPhoto or Shutterstock. There is also a free site called Unsplash.

Download and delivery options

After you've completed your newsletter, click the "Free Download" button. After confirming your proof, you can choose to download a free PDF. You can also purchase prints for shipping or mailing lists, share to Facebook, and share it with an email list you already have on file.

Technology, marketing, & strategy your real estate business needs!

Being a Real Estate Professional is challenging. Finding the time and technology to stay top of mind and generate new business is a full-time job. Breakthrough Broker is here to help.

Equipped with features such as:

Workbooks, checklists, playbooks, and workshops to support the growth and management of your business.
Easy-to-use marketing technology to create and customize professional marketing designs.
Direct mail marketing services and engaging social media content.

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